2024 Course booking CLOSED

Due to high demand, we have closed the 2024 course to further bookings.

The radiology specialty interview is fast approaching

Start preparing now

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The radiology interview now counts for 50% of your total application score

You have already spent countless hours, months and years  building your portfolio and revising for the MSRA exam, so do yourself justice for the final part of the application. The interview is arguably the most important part of your application and is often the least well-prepared. Many applicants haven't sat an interview since before medical school: this means that small improvements can make a huge difference in your ranking.

Let us help you to stand out from the crowd through expert guidance, practice and feedback.

Testimonials from previous attendees

“Very clear and concise interview techniques which I was able to learn from and structure my own answers. It definitely gave me a solid foundation for my interview preparation. The additional written resources were handy to refer to during practice.”

Anonymous, UCLH (London) radiology trainee, ranked 8th in application year

“I’m not sure I would have secured my number without this course. A big part of this is that I’m not someone who naturally interviews well. The content and structure of this course gave me the confidence and skills to maximise my interview performance and I ended up scoring 86%. It’s excellent value for money, is run by a really capable and friendly group and I’m so glad I ran it. Would recommend it to everyone.”

Abdulrahman, UCLH (London) radiology trainee, ranked 48 in application year

“Outstanding interview course with a personalised touch tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Jack and the team do an excellent job of explaining how to communicate in your interview, in all mannerisms, both verbal and non-verbal. They helped me get into the perspective of what an interviewer would be looking for and gave personalised feedback on what I could to make my experiences standout. If you’ve only the time/resources for one course, make it this one, you absolutely will not regret it!”

Syed, West of Scotland radiology trainee

“This course was brilliant for helping to prepare for the application process, and the specific feedback for the interview was exceptional, especially the mock interviews giving real practice. Coming from F2 with no specialty interview experience, it was the only thing I used to be successful in the interview and get my post. The advice given was practicable, actionable and the structures were almost exactly what I ended up using. Can't recommend enough!”

Adam, Northwick Park (London) radiology trainee

“The course was amazing and intense. It is the best interview prep material. I got a great score for interview just because of this course. This was instrumental in getting an offer despite poor MSRA scores. The best thing about the course is that it is very interactive and hands on... all well organised and with great feedback. It also helped me to use those valuable 10 minutes to project my CV to the panel in the most effective way. Thank you so much Jack and team. ”

Abhijith Rajamohan, West Midlands radiology trainee

“Excellent teaching material with useful tips. Really helped me prepare for the interview and hone my answers. ”

W Ravindran, West Hertfordshire radiology trainee, ranked 131 in application round

Included in the course

  • Recorded workshops and lectures

    Work through our interactive lectures and exercises in your own time to improve your interview technique.

  • An electronic course handbook

    Our comprehensive handbook will serve as your reference guide on your journey to honing your interview skills.

  • A mock interview

    This 1:1 mock interview session (55 mins total) with one of our selected highly ranked radiology trainees comprises a simulation interview (2 x 10 min) with plenty of time for personalised feedback.

Course curriculum

    1. The Ace Radiology Interview Course Handbook

    1. Structure of the radiology interview

    2. Which topics can be asked at interview?

    3. What interviewers look for

    4. How to sell yourself at interview

    1. Introduction

    2. Step 1: Your current answer

    3. Step 1: Jack's answer

    4. Step 1: Louis' answer

    5. Step 2: Your genuine reasons

    6. Step 2: Jack's answer

    7. Step 2: Louis' answer

    8. Step 3: Specific examples

    9. Step 3: Jack's answer

    10. Step 3: Louis' answer

    11. Step 4: Make it a story

    12. Step 4: Jack's answer

    13. Step 4: Louis' answer

    1. How to answer questions about radiology as a specialty (CAMP)

    2. How to talk about what makes a good radiologist?

    3. How to talk about the greatest challenges facing radiology?

    4. How to talk about outsourcing (a.k.a. teleradiology)?

    5. How to talk about ionising radiation regulations?

    1. How to answer ethical and management scenarios (I SPIES)

    2. How to answer questions about drunk colleagues

    3. How to answer questions about abusive colleagues

    4. How to answer questions about late colleagues

    5. How to answer questions about a lack of reporting space

    6. How to answer questions about overrunning lists

About this course

  • £9,999.00
  • 41 lessons

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I don’t get invited to radiology specialty interview?

    We want our course attendees to have the best shot of a good interview and this requires having enough time to work through our material. Therefore, if you don’t get invited to the radiology interview, we’ll refund you your course fee. You just need to show us a screenshot confirming you were not offered an interview. So don’t put off starting your preparation now!(NB: we cannot offer a refund if you have attended the mock interview).

  • How do I book the mock interview?

    The booking link will become available once you have enrolled on the course. Mock interviews will run from Wed 21st Feb - Thu 14th Mar 2024 (i.e. after the invite to radiology interview is released).

  • What if I need to cancel my mock interview slot?

    Please give us 48 hours notice if you need to cancel, so that we have time to tell our interviewers. If it is less than this (e.g. for an emergency), then please contact us as soon as possible and we will do what we can.

  • What is your refund policy?

    If you are not satisfied with the course, please contact us at [email protected] and we will discuss a possible refund. We cannot refund you if you have already sat the mock interview or did not attend the mock interview that you have booked.

  • Can I just book mock interviews without the lectures and course handbook?

    We expect our course to sell out due to limited numbers for mock interview, so we cannot offer interviews on their own. Furthermore, we have made the course as a package because we strongly believe that, without improving your interview technique and answers with the lectures and handbook, the mock interview is of limited benefit.

  • Can I book additional mock interviews?

    If you have enrolled on the course and sat your first mock interview with us, you may e-mail us ([email protected]) to see if we have availability for a second mock interview for an extra cost (with different interviewer and questions, of course). This is subject to availability and is not always possible as we expect to fully book out our mock interviews.


Jack Gao

Jack ranked in the top 10 for his radiology specialty application and is now a radiology registrar on the University College London Hospitals training scheme. He is passionate about teaching, having previously run interview workshops and mock interviews for Oxbridge medical applicants and led multiple teaching courses for medical students. He aims to use this experience to help those applying for radiology specialty training, especially as competition ratios have skyrocketed in recent years. He also runs a YouTube channel (Mr Radiologist).

Yakup Kilic

Dr Yakup Kilic is a ST3 Radiology Registrar on the University College London Hospital Radiology training programme. Prior to Radiology, Dr Kilic completed Internal Medicine Training at Imperial/North-West London denary and gained his full MRCP diploma. He has a passion for medical education and has set up and led several seminars including running a national teaching seminar for The Royal Society of Medicine and has held roles including the Associate College Tutor at The Royal College of Physicians. He completed PGCert in Clinical Education at Edinburgh Medical School. He is currently the national rep lead for The Society of Radiologists in training.

Let us help you to ace the radiology specialty interview